Good afternoon all and I will be weaving a themes into classes this evening.
In the Celtic Wheel or calendar Imbolc is the midpoint between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. Imbolc is the return of the light and the gestation of the seeds below ground, buds considering growing in the trees and plants. In the belly of mother earth things are stirring. We are still in winter but can you feel spring on the tips of bulbs, and daffodils popping up. Imbolc also has a fire element in St Brigid the goddess of fire, creativity and resillience. I find themes connect us to nature and into the natural waves of energy that we are part of.
Whether you would like to move and flow in the earlier class or rest and stretch in the second we will be celebrating the light.
Booking here or via Move GB.
My best to you Nicola x
