It's fitting that in our last week of term we will be celebrating the full moon, the completion of another cycle and another moon closer to spring . Last weeks class was devoted to Imbolc and a growing of spring energy inside.
Last year I ran monthly wellbeing circles to tap into the energy of each full moon.
Family commitments and now the passing of my dear Dad some weeks ago have meant these sessions have been on hold.
It's given a great opportunity to bring the poetry and metaphor of the full moons more into our weekly classes.
I am so grateful to have welcomed so many of you to move in our Wednesday classes. With a sunrise class from 7.30-8.15am, Energising Mindful Hatha Flow 6.30-7.50pm and Relaxing Yin and Nidra from7.50-9pm.
Come and join us before we have a weeks break next week.
Last year the names associated with each full moons bore an uncanny resemblance to their names, so look out for some snow this week !
Be well dear ones and keep on moving.
Book classes here or available on Move GB.
