Dear Yogi's
This week's class will be Sunday morning from 9.45-11am online and in person.
The photo in this post is a lotus seed pod, a call to new beginnings, what are yours?
I have been very quiet this summer, musing and in the process of change.
Maybe you feel similarly? Summer holiday might not feel like much of a break especially if you are still working, have kids or have other responsibilities biting hard at your heels. When scrolling on social media I am bombarded by tailored hard-sell offerings, these have been repelling rather than attracting me. I do not want to send out this kind of offering.
This summer I took further training in community circles of speaking and listening from the heart when I was in America, a deeply powerful experience. We will be exploring these in some classes next term.
With my paired-down teaching, I have been simply practicing yoga and reflecting on how much I love the space of mind & body yoga gives.
I have also been learning a lot more about the nervous system in the Flow Collective and finding more ways to befriend and soothe in difficult and unconscious times.
Last term was very difficult for me and many of my yoga teacher friends as numbers dwindled (due to Covid (again), the recession, and people needing to fly and be free... )).
I gave up a class I have taught for 4 years at Workout Ashton, this was a very hard decision as I really love the students, and still need a chance to say goodbye. Change is not always easy, but often necessary to give space for growth.
I'd love to hear about your summer and what you'd like for the autumn. Working on my schedule at the moment, speak to me.
With love Nicola